June 17, 2024

WI Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Mobile Voting Booth

There has finally been a decision handed down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court that probably stunned quite a few people, at least in part.

The court was recently overtaken by liberals, so most believed the idea of a mobile voting booth would breeze through.

While giving Democrats a win in the case, the idea of having a mobile voting booth was shot down, at least for now.

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On the docket was a case to see if a lower court decision banning mobile voting units would be upheld.

Miraculously, the liberal-leaning court ruled 4-3 in favor of upholding the lower court’s ban.

While ruling against the mobile voting units, the state Supreme Court did rule in favor of barring absentee ballot collection sites “in locations that confer a ‘partisan advantage.’”

The reasoning made little sense, with the majority ruling that any changes to the current law could confuse voters. This seems to be the party line of Democrats when they want to keep something in place that makes little to no sense.

The opinion stated, “At this stage, just months before the August primary and November general elections, there is a risk that the circuit court’s ruling will disrupt ongoing preparations for those elections by creating uncertainty about which sites may be designated as alternate absentee balloting locations.

“Granting a stay will, as mentioned previously, simply ensure that the status quo since 2016 continues to govern through the next election.”

The idea of mobile voting units was brought up after the city of Racine used $200,000 to purchase a “Mobile Election Unit.”

The funding came via a massive grant issued by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, dubbed “ZuckBucks.”

While the idea itself might have merit, it was found that the unit was going to primary Democrat voting districts, giving Democrats a huge advantage.

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