June 21, 2024

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Former Texas City Council Member

The targeting of political officials who are seeing something and saying something seems to be the norm these days.

Thanks to a recent Supreme Court decision, which came down on Thursday, we may soon see a stop to that.

A former city council member in Texas has won her suit after having been retaliated against for calling out her fellow politicians.

A Win for the Good Guys

Sylvia Gonzalez is a former city council member of Castle Hills, TX.

Not long after having taken office in 2019, she was arrested for having blasting the city manager.

The arrest came after Gonzalez had prepared a petition against the city manager because she removed it from the office, being charged with inappropriately removing a government document.

According to Gonzalez, she had not intended to remove the document from the office, but it had been mixed in with other papers.

Eventually, the charges were dropped, but the 72-year-old was livid that she was forced to spend a day in jail and eventually resigned from her elected position.

She then sued, saying that the arrest constituted retaliation for her complaint.

The Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in her favor, which will now allow her to resume her civil rights complaint against the city and the city manager, among others.

After the verdict was announced, Gonzalez stated, "No one should have to go through what I went through, and with this decision, I'm confident it won't happen again.”

We now live in an age of tit-for-tat politics, and it needs to stop, or there is no way this country will ever unite and begin to move forward.

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I am sick and tired of seeing our national debt increase while the political world remains stuck in the mud.

We are paying all this money in taxes and literally getting nothing in return because every politician in office seems hell-bent on revenge rather than doing what they were elected to do… serve We the People.

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