June 26, 2024

Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Ousted in Primary Race

There is still hope for this country on the other side of the aisle.

Radical Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) was just ousted during his primary race.

Bowman, who represented NY-16, lost to Westchester County Executive George Latimer, and it was not even close.

You’re Out!

Bowman has been surrounded by controversy virtually from the first day he won his seat.

That, however, was nothing compared to the events of the last year.

Bowman purposely pulled a fire alarm during a session of Congress, then lied about it during the investigation, but for some reason, investigators let him off with only a slap on the wrist.

The real hit, however, came when Bowman started supporting Palestine and Hamas over Israel.

He was caught on a street corner in New York like a corner preacher talking about Israeli propaganda being used to make people believe that Hamas raped and tortured all those young women.

He is a terrorist sympathizer, and I believe that down to my last bone, and, thankfully, the people of NY-16 were tired of it.

Bowman made more headlines after a big rally this weekend, which Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and AOC attended.

AOC looked like she had lost her mind, running around the stage and jumping up and down like an idiot.

Bowman was even worse, dropping F-bombs like Halloween candy.

Voters never bought it, as the race was called within minutes of the polls closing. As of this report, with about 85% of the votes counted, Bowman was getting crushed, 58.4% to 41.6%.

What made his loss even more enjoyable was a post by AOC claiming he was the first black man to represent NY-16, which is false. She also tagged the wrong X account, while calling him a true public servant.

I actually trolled her, asking her if she counted serving terrorists as being a public servant.

Now it is only a matter of time before Bowman starts turning this into a race issue, so brace yourselves.

The Dems managed to get one of their crazies out of office, so it is a good day.

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