October 16, 2023

REPORT: Democrats Worried Biden’s Age Will Hurt Them

Joe Biden is a pretty tough sell to the American people.

Fall once, you can write it off as something silly. Fall twice, you might get away with it. Three or more times, people see a pattern and figure he is just an old man with a ticking clock.

Well, Joe Biden stumbled again last week in Philly climbing a very short set of steps to get on stage.


When Joe slipped, then slipped again, he tried to joke about it after traversing the dangerous four or five steps it took to get on stage. Biden grabbed the rail and made a comedic gesture to blow off the incident, but it was being posted on conservative blogs before he let go and walked to the podium.

Biden, 80, would be 82 by the time he started his second term, and that is a number that terrifies many Democrats, especially those in more moderate areas.

For example, Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) stated, “I think you got to be as public as you possibly can in addressing issues, and that’s how you can settle it. But it won’t be easy because he is [going to be] 82 years old.”

Tester’s seat is being targeted by the GOP, so believe me, he is very worried about this and the spin that the White House continues to put on these slips is only making matters worse.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) added, “I think it’s important to confront it [worry].” But again, the White House’s approach has been the complete opposite, painting Biden as a cool dude rather than getting ahead of the actual problem.

Recent polling shows this as a real problem for Biden, as voters are getting more and more concerned that Kamala Harris is likely to finish out the term than Joe Biden.

Something else that is hurting Biden is the blatant pushing of Bidenomics even though Americans are really hurting right now financially.

We are all seeing our bank accounts go in reverse, then Joe Biden goes to Philadelphia with Bidenomics signs all over the place telling everyone that everything is fine, and this with market signals that show a massive crash is headed our way if government spending continues as it has been.

With the United States now supporting two allies in two different wars and possibly being forced to enter Israel’s war, how is that spending going to get reduced?

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