June 21, 2024

Rep. Jamal Bowman's days in Congress may be numbered

It would appear that U.S. Rep. Jamal Bowman's (D-NY) days as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives may be numbered. 

The Washington Examiner reports that Bowman "is on the verge of losing his primary."

The outlet notes that, if Bowman does indeed go on to lose, then he will be the first member of the so-called "squad" to be removed from Congress.

Other members of the far-left group, such as U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) - have thus far avoided removal, despite having faced significant criticism.

The "why?"

The Examiner provides three reasons why it believes that Bowman is likely going to be the first "squad" member to be removed from Congress.

The three reasons include the fact that Bowman has a "strong Democratic challenger," that he has espoused "anti-Israel" policies, and that he has been at the center of multiple "antics in Congress."

Regarding the first of these reasons, the Examiner reports:

The New York congressman is facing a challenge from Westchester County Executive George Latimer, who has pitched himself as a centrist Democratic alternative to the progressive Bowman. Latimer is well known in much of the district and has received the backing of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and key pro-Israel group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, among others.

Indeed, Clinton has endorsed Latimer, snubbing Bowman, which, at the time, garnered many news headlines.

Bowman, in response, took a shot at Clinton, saying, "I definitely wouldn’t call it a ‘major endorsement,’ with all due respect."

There's more

Next up, the Examiner highlights the fact that "Bowman has been one of the most vocal critics of Israel . . . since the war in Gaza began."

Among other things, Bowman is one of those leftists who has called for an unconditional ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, a move that critics say would only serve to help the terrorist group to regain its strength.

Finally, the Examiner highlights Bowman's recent antics in Congress.

Per the outlet:

Two incidents from Bowman's more than three years in Congress include a shouting match he had with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on the steps of the Capitol in May 2023 and when Bowman pulled a fire alarm as Congress was attempting to gather to vote on preventing a government shutdown in September 2023.

We'll have to see whether all of this will be enough to stop Bowman from winning his primary, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

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