June 17, 2024

Lara Trump Warns 2024 Election Cheaters

Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chair Lara Trump is talking tough.

The RNC Co-chair and daughter-in-law to Donald Trump just offered a warning to anyone even considering cheating in the 2024 election.

During a Turning Point event in Detroit, Trump told the audience, “This year is the year we do it.”

You Have Been Warned

Donald Trump has been attacking election integrity since he first announced he was going to run.

Those attacks ramped up after he lost the 2020 election, and Trump, his surrogates, his campaign, and now the RNC are pushing numerous lawsuits regarding election integrity.

In fact, the Biden campaign has openly called on the Trump campaign and the RNC to drop lawsuits related to mail-in balloting integrity after the RNC ramped up its attacks.

Those suits, however, have not stopped Trump from now encouraging voters to vote by early voting and mail-in ballot to try to offset the huge edge that it brought Democrats in 2024.

That request fell on deaf ears, with Lara Trump telling the Turning Point audience, “We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election.

“If you cheat in an election, we will find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

The RNC's big push now is to stop states that allow mail-in ballots to be postmarked after election day.

And listen, we all know life happens, which is why I have been adamant for years that the RNC needs to embrace early voting and mail-in voting, but they also need to ensure that it is not corrupted.

Early voting eliminates the need for ballots to be accepted post-election day. Most states now open up voting weeks before the election, including weekend hours, so there is simply no need for late ballots, period.

I have been critical of the RNC more or less being folded into the Trump campaign, but this message here is on point… support early and mail-in voting but watch it like a hawk to make sure it is not corrupt.

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