June 21, 2024

Judge Cannon Rejected Calls to Step Aside from Trump Documents Case

Judge Aileen Cannon was appointed to the bench by Donald Trump.

That is precisely why she takes so much heat for every ruling she makes in the case.

According to a new report, when she drew the case, several of her fellow judges begged her to withdraw, but she insisted on taking it.

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Cannon drew the case in June 2023, and about 10 seconds after her name popped up the criticism started to rain down on her.

Reports are now surfacing that since she was a new judge appointed by the very man facing the indictment, several more experienced judges encouraged her to withdraw from the case.

One of those judges was the chief judge in the Southern District of Florida, Cecilia M. Altonaga.

This new information that more experienced judges were trying to get her to give up the case has only brought more fire on her, specifically for how she has handled some of the motion rulings.

For instance, a recent piece in the New York Times stated, “She has broken, according to lawyers who operate there, with a general practice of federal judges in the Southern District of Florida of delegating some pretrial motions to a magistrate — in this instance, Judge Bruce E. Reinhart.

“While he is subordinate to her, Judge Reinhart is an older and much more experienced jurist.

“In 2022, he was the one who signed off on an F.B.I. warrant to search Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s club and residence in Florida, for highly sensitive government files that Mr. Trump kept after leaving office.”

This has led to accusations that Cannon is “in the tank for Trump,” a tag that will likely follow her for the remainder of her career (if liberals have anything to do with it).

I was actually shocked that a judge appointed by Trump would be on this case, but in all honesty, she has not really done anything other judges have not done in terms of delaying the case.

For instance, Judge Chutkan delayed the January 6 case months before Judge Cannon did for the classified documents case, and she has been nothing but applauded for her decisions.

This is all about TDS and nothing more. Leave the woman alone and let her do her job. If the same decisions had been made by a liberal judge, nobody would be saying a word right now.

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