May 21, 2024

Biden Challenges Intelligence of Trump SCOTUS Nominees, But…

This weekend, Joe Biden was out pandering for minority votes, appearing at the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner on Sunday.

Biden took a few minutes away from race-baiting to slam the idea of Trump putting more justices on the Supreme Court.

His comment was not only a slam against past picks but also against any possible future picks. Only Biden forgot one key aspect of all this… the horrific track record of his judicial nominees.

No Brains

Biden told the group, “Let me ask you: if he's reelected, who do you think he’ll put on the Supreme Court?

“Do you think he’ll put anybody who has a brain?”

That is a pretty bold statement when you consider the track record of Biden's judiciary nominees.

We need to go no further than Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson, who failed to give the Senate committee the definition of a woman.

When Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren was before the committee, Senator Kennedy (R-LA) asked her to explain Article II and Article V of the Constitution, which she could not do.

How about Kato Crews, who could not tell Kennedy what a Brady Motion was? Or how about Sara Hill, who could not define the difference between a stay and an injunction?

Bjelkengren’s nomination was eventually withdrawn, but the Democrat-dominated Senate passed through Crews and Hill.

You see, Biden has been all about checklists with these nominations, looking to appoint the first black this or the first Native American that, rather than actually looking at qualifications.

A lot of people give Trump’s nominees a lot of grief, but I happen to think that even with a 6-3 conservative edge, we now have the most balanced court we have had in decades.

While I do not always like the decisions handed down, I respect the fact that these justices are not always ruling along ideological lines when it conflicts with the Constitution.

Think about this… how often did you ever see liberal justices cross over the line? Now, how many times have the Trump justices crossed over when they believed that was the right side of the law?

I rest my case.

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