June 21, 2024

Another New Jersey Democrat Indicted

I can say with confidence that of all the states in the country, Pennsylvania and New Jersey have to be in the top five for the most corrupt when it comes to politicians.

To that point, while Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) is on trial for bribery charges, yet another major political figure in the state has been indicted.

This time it is Democratic power broker George E. Norcross III, who has been indicted for racketeering charges.

Just Corrupt

New Jersey is and has been an example of a rigged political system, something that I experienced firsthand when I was living in Sea Isle City, NJ.

If you are not one of the boys or dare to fight one of the established politicians in the area, as I tried to do, you get wiped off the map.

When word got out that I was only considering a run for local office, the powers that be brought in another recognizable name who had been involved in prior corruption charges and loaded his campaign with stacks of cash before I could even get started. Ever corrupt, he had all the support because the right names were behind him.

The average person simply has no chance in that state because the corruption is deep and they all protect each other.

However, there has been a trend of holding them accountable over the last few years, and Attorney General Matt Platkin has struck again with the indictment of Norcross.

Norcross has denied any wrongdoing, but the state has indicted him for rigging tax benefits for entities that were controlled by Norcross.

Again, while I cannot speak to Norcross, I have seen this in action in New Jersey, and it is disgusting.

Now, Democrats who have dominated the state for decades are struggling to hold on to power as all of these corrupt officials are taken down.

If Democrats lose Menendez’s seat, it will be a crushing blow and give the GOP a significant edge in its quest to retake the Senate.

Personally, I love seeing all this corruption exposed because it is about time that the American people stop saying, “That’s just the way it is,” and we start to hold these criminals accountable for their actions.

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