October 16, 2024

Did Biden Just Prove Trump’s Point?

I love debating about the Donald Trump cases because they are a perfect example of the justice system picking and choosing who it prosecutes.

That aside, Trump has always maintained that these cases were political prosecutions.

Joe Biden may have just proved his point for him.

Going to Jail

On one hand, there were some crimes committed by Trump, but we have seen these “crimes” committed by a lot of people and never prosecuted.

Virtually every president, after leaving office, takes classified documents to write their memoirs. Heck, Joe Biden had boxes of them, and he was not even president, nor was he prosecuted.

Donald Trump did pay hush money and he did classify it as a business expense, something that would usually get a fine, not result in dozens of felony charges.

So, you see where I am going with this… the system selectively targeted Trump in these cases to hurt him politically, and Joe Biden wants to see him in jail, and even admitted as much.

During a recent rally for Harris in Philadelphia, Biden stated, “He got the sentence kicked back, but I want to watch that sentence. Look, Donald Trump is not running for you. He’s running for himself. I think he’s running to stay out of jail.”

Ironically, Kamala Harris recently discussed Trump being the one to prosecute his political opponents.

She stated, “Donald Trump has been very clear that he would weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies [sic]. He has been very clear that he would take out the independent folks who are in there and put in there instead his loyalists [sic].

“So understand, again, you talk about — because this brings back to exactly your point about threats to the to our democracy.

“Donald Trump would go into the Department of Justice and manipulate it in such a way that it would be used as a weapon against his political enemies.”

I am going to close this out with one thought…

During the 2016 race, one of Trump’s rally cries was “lock her up” in regard to alleged crimes committed by Hillary Clinton.

And when Donald Trump took office, what did he do?

At the very first official function, an inauguration luncheon, he extended an olive branch to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, even calling for a round of applause for them during the event.

My friends, it is not Donald Trump you have to worry about weaponizing the DOJ because the Biden administration has already done it.

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