June 20, 2024

Michigan State Senator Goes Nuclear on Democrats Over New Legislation

I just finished watching a video on X that shook me to my core.

Election fraud has been a top topic since the 2016 election, and it has become even more so over the last four years.

Yet, for some reason, the Michigan legislature has decided to pass a law that would strip the Board of Canvassers of its ability to investigate claims of election fraud.

Going Nuclear

The legislation in question has been in place in Michigan for about 70 years.

There was no need to challenge or change the law, as it had worked perfectly well for a long time.

In 2022, Democrats took full control of the Michigan legislature after decades of control by Republicans.

And what was one of the first things they decided to do… strip the Board of its ability to investigate election fraud.

Words do not do this man’s words justice, so if you have the time, listen to the scathing speech given by State Senator Jim Runestad, a Republican, on the matter…

To give you an idea of why this is such a big deal, we need only look at the last major election.

In 2020, the absentee ballots for Michigan’s primary election did not match the number of votes cast in 72% of the precincts.

In the general election that year, 70% of the precincts were out of balance.

For this reason, two Republicans on the Board of Canvassers refused to certify the results of the general election.

They were then bullied and doxxed, which is what Runestad was referring to in that video.

In one threat, Democrat Michigan State Rep Abraham Aiyash showed a picture of a tortured and murdered young girl in the street, with the threat, “I don’t tolerate people like you, in fact, I consider you to be a terrorist and do you know what happens to terrorist Monica???”

State Rep. Rachelle Smit, another Republican, also commented on the legislation, stating, “Under current law, vote recounts may be done based on allegations of fraud or mistake, but the legislation voted on today not only removes fraud as a reason for a recount but also states that recount petitions may only allege an error and requires petitions to be based on the notion that the election results would have been different without that error.”

Democrats love to say it is Republicans who do not want election integrity, but I think this proves who is on the right side of this argument.

So, I guess we better start watching the numbers in Michigan, a state that just turned in Biden’s favor in the most recent polling.

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