June 24, 2024

Former White House Doctor Wants Biden Tested for Debate

GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) is a former White House doctor who served multiple administrations, both Republican and Democrat.

Jackson has regularly created waves for Biden regarding his mental health, and he is at it again.

Jackson says that he doubts Biden can debate Trump without mother’s little helper, so he is suggesting testing for Biden.

Test Him!

There have been some serious questions as to what Biden is being fed before his public appearances, and this dates back to the 2020 campaign.

I still remember photos popping up that looked like Biden had been given some type of IV before several events.

Donald Trump has accused Biden’s handlers of injecting him with meds to ensure he can stay awake and alert during these types of events as well.

And let’s be honest, Biden’s behavior in public has done little to quell these rumors.

So, Jackson believes that Biden should take a drug test before and after the debate to prove he is not being given some help.

He stated, “I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.”

This feeds off what Trump told his supporters during a recent rally, when he stated, “So a little before debate time he gets a shot in the ass and that’s — they want to strengthen him up. So he comes out, he’ll come out — OK. I say he’ll come out all jacked up, right?”

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates responded, “It’s telling that Republican officials are unable to stop announcing how intimidated they remain by [the] President’s State of the Union performance.”

Bates added, “But after losing every public and private negotiation with President Biden — and after seeing him succeed where they failed across the board, ranging from actually rebuilding America’s infrastructure to actually reducing violent crime to actually outcompeting China — it tracks that those same Republican officials mistake confidence for a drug.”

That statement by Bates is almost laughable because I don’t think anyone has actually lost anything against Biden when they are dealing directly with him.

The man cannot remember the name of his own cabinet officials, and now he is being put on stage with no notes or props, and you know Trump is going to do everything he can to knock Biden off his mark.

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