May 13, 2024

Yahoo Profile Shows How Wealthy Pelosi Has Become in Congress

Yahoo just did a big puff piece on Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The piece covers her rise to power within the Democrat Party, even today after having stepped down as party leader and turning leadership over to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.).

It also highlighted the tens of millions she has made since entering Congress.

Way to Get Rich

Pelosi was born in Baltimore, the daughter of a powerful local politician, Thomas D'Alesandro Jr., and was originally an East Coast girl.

Her father served as a Maryland congressman and then as mayor of Baltimore from 1947 to 1959, so I am sure he was more than happy to show his daughter the ins and outs of the political world.

It was always going to be the political life for Pelosi, who majored in Political Science, and interned with Steny Hoyer, another Democrat who rose to power alongside her.

Pelosi moved to San Francisco in 1969 after marrying Paul Pelosi, where she soon dove into the local political scene.

Pelosi started to rise through the ranks, serving as the DNC committee member and eventually the CA Democrat Party Chair.

Pelosi then ran for her House seat in 1987 and has not budged since.

All the while, Paul Pelosi was getting very lucky in the market, but doing so quietly.

As their fortune rose, so did the risks and notoriety of Paul Pelosi’s trades, especially since Joe Biden has been in office.

Pelosi has managed to be on the right side of some significant options plays, usually with companies either benefiting from legislation passed in Congress or receiving huge government contracts.

Pelosi’s net worth skyrocketed over the last two decades, more than tripling their collective net worth since the turn of the century.

There have been days where Paul Pelosi made more in a few weeks with a “lucky” gamble than most of us will ever see in our entire lives, yet nobody seems interested in where he is getting all of his information.

Our government is corrupt, and Pelosi is at the top of the list of examples of everything that is now wrong with politics in this country.

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