March 31, 2024

Whopping 93% Of Trump Supporters Would Still Support Trump Post-Conviction

Former President Donald Trump just received SHOCKING news.

Even if Donald Trump was convicted, his supporters would STILL vote for him!

Talk about a loyal group of voters.

In fact, 93% of Trump supporters have said they would still vote for the former president even if he is found guilty and convicted of any of the charges brought against him.

The recent poll was run by Daily Mail and J.L. Partners.

One of the co-founders of J.L. Partners, James Johnson, has released a statement surrounding the findings of the latest poll.

“Up until recently, polls tended to show Trump’s vote diving when the possibility of him being convicted comes up. But in recent polls—and now ours—this has changed,” Johnson said.

Johnson did not stop there!

“Here, 93 percent say they would stick with the president in such a scenario. This might alter if it actually happens—polling can't predict people’s responses if an event comes to pass—but with the hush money case taking place first (the one that people feel is most likely to be a politically motivated charge), that only helps Donald Trump. So far in this race, indictments have only helped Trump. There are no signs yet that convictions are going to have a different effect,” Johnson continued.

When it comes to Trump, his voters are not going anywhere.

Many who previously turned from the president have now decided to once again support Trump.
They know what they believe in and are not afraid to stand by Trump regardless of what any courtroom decides!

Donald Trump is cruising right now, and even a surprise candidacy from Michelle Obama wouldn't save Democrats at this point.

There's one man at the top of the Republican party, and that's Donald Trump.

Will he soon once again be the man at the top of America?

Only time will tell.

To read more about this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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