November 10, 2023

White House Seems to Brush Off Iran Proxy Attacks

Over the last month or so, bases where American troops are located have been coming under attack from Iran proxy groups.

We only recently found out that these attacks number in the dozens, and they had gone unanswered.

While there were no reported American deaths in the attacks, there were injuries.

No Big Deal

In addition to these attacks, the Iranian-backed Houthis took out a $30 million drone over international air space and international waters.

The only response by this administration was to take out a supply depot in Syria.

When White House spokesperson John Kirby was asked about the US strikes and the following strikes against our troops, more of which took place after the depot strike, he more or less brushed them off.

Kirby stated, “It is not uncommon after we take a retaliatory strike for there to be some sort of secondary set of strikes by these proxy groups. We haven’t seen them be very effective.”

So, troop injuries are not effective? This came from a man who rose to the rank of Admiral by writing press releases and holding press conferences.

He continued, “That doesn’t mean we’re taking it lightly or we’re undermining it at all. Obviously, we’ll continue to do what we have to do to protect our troops in Iraq and Syria.

“You heard the president talk about that today. Look, these proxy groups and the IRGC, the Revolutionary Guard Corps that supports them, resources them, trains them, funds them, gives them these capabilities, they have a choice to make.

“We’ve shown that we will do what we have to do to protect our troops in Iraq and Syria.

“We’ll continue to do that. If they want yet more responses from the American…military, then they’ll have to deal with the consequences for that, if they’re going to keep striking.”

These attacks will continue until there is a retaliatory strike of significance by the United States.

Biden, to this point, has shown nothing but weakness when it comes to Iran, and I doubt that will change anytime soon.

This administration is now coming under fire from military experts, who have gone so far as to call the US strikes “inconsequential.”

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