December 8, 2023

White House Reconsidering Houthis Terrorist Designation

Joe Biden’s coddling of Iran has just taken yet another ugly turn for this administration.

As a diplomatic move, the terror designation that had been put on the Houthis by the Trump administration was removed by Joe Biden about a month after taking office.

When the tag was removed, Secretary of State Blinken tried to justify the move by saying it was “a recognition of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen.”

Rethinking That Move

The Houthis are backed by Iran and regularly carry out attacks against Israel and other Middle East allies.

More recently, the Houthis have been carrying out attacks against U.S. troops, including recent attacks against ships in the Red Sea.

This had led to significant pushback by Republicans to have the terror designation reattached to the Houthis, but the White House has been reluctant to backtrack on that decision.

Even so, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was forced to admit the administration is now reconsidering the decision.

Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich went after Kirby on this during a recent briefing, with Kirby responding to the question, "I've already said that we are going to review that decision. We are.

"I don't have a date certain for you or any outcome to brief, Jacqui, but we said we're already gonna take a look and review that decision.”

As noted above, there was a recent attack against ships in the Red Sea by the Houthis when three drones were going after ships that are attached to 14 different nations.

The U.S.S. Carney shot down the drones, with U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) stating, "These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security. They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world.

"We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran."

Over the last two months, U.S. forces have been attacked 75 times in the Middle East, and this does not include the attacks at sea.

We really need to be asking why Biden is so hesitant to tag Houthis as terrorists and why he continues to coddle these terrorist nations.

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