October 20, 2023

White House Photo Exposes Delta Force Operators in Middle East

How many times have I stated that Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East was nothing more than a taxpayer-funded photo op?

Biden proved me right on this issue, but in the worst possible way.

Biden met with a team of special operators while visiting Israel, and the White House posted the picture without hiding their identities.


There is a lot not to like about this horrific mistake.

First and foremost, the fact that we have Delta Force team(s) in Israel should not even be made public for obvious reasons.

Secondly, Delta Force goes to great lengths to keep their identities hidden, ridiculous lengths, and Joe Biden just put them out there for everyone to see.

Let me put it this way… if Delta had taken out Osama Bin Laden, the death would have probably been attributed to something else because Delta missions are never made public unless there is a leak.

After the photo was posted, it took a hot minute to take down, so their identities were surely run through facial recognition, putting their lives and that of their families at risk. This is not a small deal.

Journalist Sam Shoemate stated, "The Whitehouse media team shared this picture last night (I added the black boxes) without blurring or censoring the faces of the ‘Delta Force’ (CAG) operator’s faces. They deleted it an hour later after hundreds of thousands had already viewed it. This is a massive failure on the Biden admin."

The White House responded, "As soon as this was brought to our attention, we immediately deleted the photo. We regret the error and any issues this may have caused."

This is perhaps one of the most inexcusable things that Biden has ever done, and he has done a lot of them.

All this happened so Joe Biden could try and get points with voters by shaking the hands of special forces operators, to make him look tough, as though he was one of them.

Simply put, this is inexcusable.

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