February 20, 2024

White House Fuming Over NY Times Coverage of Joe Biden

Over the last few months, the coverage of Joe Biden in the mainstream media has changed considerably.

Between his mental gaffes and the blistering special counsel report that more or less declared Biden mentally unfit to stand trial, the media has had no choice but to report honestly and stop covering for Joe Biden.

Let’s just say that switch has upset the White House, to the point White House officials reportedly reached out to the media to demand better coverage.

Only Good Things

The special counsel report seemed to be the breaking point for the media, as it could just no longer avoid the age and mental issues for Biden.

To that point, columnist Ezra Klein recently published an article featuring his podcast, where he openly called on Joe Biden to step down and turn the party over to a younger candidate.

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger then claimed that the White House reached out to him to tell him that the administration was “extremely upset” about the coverage Biden was receiving.

Now, calling out coverage is one thing, but contacting the media and demanding they change the narrative is way over the line.

That is basically tossing the freedom of the press and attempting to turn the mainstream media into state-run media.

Sulzberger responded appropriately, at least in my eyes, by telling the  White House to go pound sand.

He responded to the pushback by the White House, stating, “We are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden.

“He is a historically unpopular incumbent and the oldest man to ever hold this office. We’ve reported on both of those realities extensively, and the White House has been extremely upset about it.”

He later added, "They [the candidates] are different. But they are both true, and the public needs to know both those things. And if you are hyping up one side or downplaying the other, no side has a reason to trust you in the long run.”

The media has coddled Joe Biden to this point, so he has nothing at all to complain about.

In fact, I think reaching out to the media like this was a major mistake on his part, as they surely are not going to back down now.

If you think Biden was upset before, give it a week or two of honest coverage, and let’s see how upset he gets then.

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