October 10, 2023

White House Doubles Down on Party at White House During Attacks

Joe Biden apparently sees nothing wrong with having a party when Americans are being taken hostage and dying in Israel.

On Sunday, a press pool reporter heard music coming from the Rose Garden area of the White House.

When he reached out to find out what was going on, he was told it was a party for non-political employees at the White House.

There was genuine outrage across the nation, with comparisons to Nero fiddling while Rome burned being made.

Double Down

The White House was again challenged on the idea of having a party while Americans were being killed and taken hostage.

The White House did not back down from the idea of Biden partying while this was going on.

It stated, "President Biden has been consistently engaged in supporting Israel as they defend themselves against these brutal terrorist attacks.

"Yesterday, after another call with Prime Minister Netanyahu and ordering the American military to provide aid to the [Israel Defense Forces] to ensure they have what they need, the President held a long-scheduled event to thank the hardworking non-political staff who keep the White House running – operating the kitchens, cleaning the White House, and helping keep the complex safe."

They don't seem to understand this is all about optics.

I can remember Trump and Obama getting shredded for not immediately leaving the golf course when a major event took place that they had no idea was going to happen, meaning they were on the course when the incident took place.

In this case, the attacks took place on Saturday, and the party was not until Sunday, so Biden easily could have rescheduled this event and I guarantee you staffers would have understood.

Instead, Biden went ahead with the party as even more disturbing videos were surfacing of what was happening to hostages taken by Hamas.

Again, just change out Trump for Biden in that report and see how outrageous the media and Democrats would be.

Most mainstream media outlets are not even covering the story. Do yourself a favor and Google "Biden BBQ at White House" and see what the results are.

You will find Newsweek, Fox News, and the New York Post as the only domestic major outlets that covered the story.

I would shred any president from any party for having an event like this at the Whtie House under these circumstances. It is just completely unforgivable.

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