October 23, 2023

Black Voters Leaving Biden, Democrat Party

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won 8% of the black vote.

In 2020, Donald Trump increased that percentage to 12%.

The media, for the most part, wrote that off as an outlier, but this was the beginning of a trend that is continuing today, and it could cost the Democrat Party dearly in 2024.

The Trend Continues

Democrats have feasted on minority voters for decades, usually taking this vote for granted.

They make the same promises every election and never deliver on them, but minority voters continue to vote for them, so why change the recipe?

Donald Trump won about three points above the norm in 2016. It was not enough to cause panic, but it did get some attention.

When Donald Trump won 12% of the black vote in 2020, it started to raise serious questions about why black voters were suddenly voting red.

Now, in the latest polling, Donald Trump is winning 26%, which is a number that could spell doom for Democrats.

This trend is now starting to show up in down-ballot voting as well, with Democrats going from 91 percent in 2020 to 88% in 2022.

I think the biggest problem that Democrats are having is that they never change their narrative, meaning they have been pitching the same promises to black voters for decades.

It is always about freebies and lesser sentences on crime, insinuating black people do not want to work and they are all criminals. This is a narrative that Republicans have been exposing more, and it is finally having an impact on these voters.

People want opportunity, not handouts, and minority voters are now realizing that Republicans are creating better opportunities.

As much as Donald Trump was touted as a racist by Democrats and the mainstream media, he also had the lowest black unemployment rate we have seen in forever because he was listening to these communities as well as their leadership, and putting programs into play that would create opportunities.

Republicans need to capitalize on this because if they can lure even just a small percentage of minority voters away and do deliver on their promises unlike liberals, more minorities will come across the line. And without the minority vote, Democrats are dead in the water.

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