November 12, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy Wants To Remove Ronna McDaniel

Since the Republican debates kicked off, Vivek Ramaswamy has been a fiery candidate, notorious for dropping audience jaws with his truth bombs and accountability checks.

That trend has continued with an attack on his latest victim:

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

Vivek is calling for her resignation.

“Here are the facts — and I’m not a politician, I’m a businessman — looking at this as a CEO or an investor: 2017, Ronna McDaniel takes over; 2018, loss; 2020, loss; 2022, no red wave; 2023, trouncing relative to what should have happened across this country,” said Ramaswamy, landing on a question he wants answers to: “Where’s the accountability?”

Ramaswamy noted his biggest issues with McDaniel, naming her money spending as one of the key problems with her business style. “She treats it like it’s her money, and it’s not her money. It doesn’t belong to her. So it has to be somebody who understands that they’re serving the voters, not themselves. And I think right now, the RNC and the Republican establishment is badly out of touch with its base,” Ramaswamy said.

Ramaswamy took another big jab at McDaniel, saying, 'This woman has to go."

It appears the attacks will not stop anytime soon as he has made it clear he will continue to call for McDaniel to step down until she does so. The republican candidate has big plans for paving the way for a clean slate he believes will be critical to resolving the issues America is facing today as a country.

While not confirmed, it appears that Ramaswamy may very well be following in Trump's footsteps. What we do know? Ramaswamy is demanding accountability from those in office. This Republican candidate's big statements are hard to miss, and we are certain there will be many more in the near future.

What do you think of Ramaswamy?

Is he the next Donald Trump?

Or just another grifter?

Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.

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