February 4, 2024

Vince McMahon Under Federal Criminal Investigation Over Sex Allegations

Vince McMahon sure is one of the greatest rumblers of all time, even picking up a win over 29 other men in the 1999 edition of one of wrestling's biggest spectacles.

But the man who grew his father's regional wrestling territory into one of the biggest entertainment spectacles across the globe may have been rumbling a bit too hard behind the scenes lately.

Sex allegations.

McMahon has never been known as a great guy, and many fans and wrestlers alike will say that the man himself isn't much different from the character Mr. McMahon that he has played on television for decades.

After all, this is the man who was probably encouraging his wrestlers to break the law and use steroids, even helping a lot of his contract workers get their hands on them.

He did many vulgar things on television, such as forcing one female character crawl around the ring on all fours and bark like a dog.

Another of the big storylines in his wrestling promotion career involved a model-thin female superstar being mercilessly mocked for appearing "fat."

Now, it appears as though McMahon might be facing his biggest battle yet.

An even bigger one than when he went head-to-head with Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a federal probe against McMahon was started in 2022, and the results might be released soon.

Some of the allegations against McMahon, according to the outlet are troublng, indeed:

The other women named in the grand jury subpoena include a WWE contractor whom McMahon allegedly sent unsolicited nude photos and sexually harassed; a former WWE wrestler who said McMahon coerced her into giving him oral sex; former WWE referee Rita Chatterton, who publicly accused McMahon of raping her; a spa manager who said McMahon assaulted her at a Southern California resort; and a former WWE employee who alleged the head of talent relations at the company at the time, John Laurinaitis, demoted her after she broke off an affair with him.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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