October 25, 2023

More Than 20 US Troops Hurt After Drone Attacks

On Tuesday, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that more than 20 United States troops were injured in drone attacks that took place in Syria and Iraq last week.

Bases where American troops were housed were attacked a total of four times.

According to the Pentagon, the attacks came at the hands of groups that support the Iranian regime.

Under Attack

When the first reports were issued, we were told that drones were taken out, but not given any information regarding troop injuries.

Then, on Tuesday, CENTCOM revealed that there were injuries sustained during the attacks.

Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, confirmed the attacks.

He stated, "What we are seeing is the prospect for more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel across the region in the very near term coming from Iranian proxy forces and ultimately from Iran.

"We always reserve the right to defend ourselves, and we will never hesitate to take action when needed to protect our forces and our interests overseas."

Ryder further stated that there were more than a dozen attacks against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq and Syria from Oct. 17-24. There were no injury totals given for those attacks.

It would appear that Iran is doing everything it can to drag the United States back into a Middle East conflict, which, quite frankly, is the last thing we can afford to have happen right now.

Our military assets are being bled dry by Ukraine and Israel. Yet, for some reason, Biden has still not enacted the Defense Production Act.

New Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) needs to get the GOP caucus to start writing the legislation to make that happen and push it through the House to force Biden’s hand if necessary.

I am still of the belief that this is all a coordinated attack to drain our resources for something more nefarious down the road.

I would love to be wrong, but it seems fairly obvious to me that we are being targeted through our allies by our enemies.

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