October 11, 2023

Rasmussen Report Upends 2024 Election

The tide may have just turned for Donald Trump in national polling.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey is out and it is not good news for Democrats and Joe Biden.

Trump has just made a significant dent in Joe Biden’s Democrat base.

Turning the Tables

For months, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been virtually dead even in national polling.

One outlier poll put Trump up by 10 points, but all the polls taken after that had Trump and Biden back to even again.

This latest Rasmussen report, however, should send a wave of panic through the Democrat Party.

Voters were asked: “How likely are you to vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election?”

A whopping 30% of Democrats said they were either “very” or “somewhat likely” to pull the handle for Trump.

Roughly 50% of black voters also said they would be voting for Trump.

Now, this is just one poll, and you guys know I never get wound up over one poll. I need to see a trend before buying into anything, but those are massive numbers.

The poll’s analysts wrote, “Majorities of every racial category — 53% of whites, 50% of black voters, and 52% of other minorities — say they’re at least somewhat likely to vote for Trump in 2024. Twenty-five percent of black Trump voters say they would be more likely to vote for him if he picked a black running mate.”

So, this really starts to get interesting because if those numbers hold true, all of a sudden Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) comes back into the picture, and the idea of Trump having a female VP gets tossed.

And if Trump has Scott as his VP and wins this race, that automatically makes Scott the frontrunner for the 2028 presidential election.

I have one concern about Trump and I have never hidden it from you guys. Trump’s support tanks if he gets convicted of a felony, going down to about 30 percent in national polling, and he just cannot win with that number.

Trump must figure out how to beat these cases before the general election. If he can do that, he may pull this off.

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