April 17, 2024

Ty Cobb: Trump ‘Relishes the storm’

Donald Trump is a bit of an enigma during this campaign cycle.

The more Trump gets prosecuted, the more voters flock to him and back his campaign.

Former Trump counsel Ty Cobb recently commented on this, stating that he believes that Trump “relishes the storm.”

Not Going to Jail

Ty Cobb has a very realistic take on the case, disappointing liberals by saying that there is no way Trump should be sentenced to jail in the hush-money case.

The case itself is based on an alleged affair that Donald Trump had with Stormy Daniels 18 years ago.

The alleged violation occurred eight years ago and would normally be a misdemeanor, but Bragg waited so long to file the charges that he was forced to craft them as a felony, hence the stacking of the ledger entries.

Cobb believes that Trump will be found guilty, but he, like me, believes that Trump will have very strong grounds for appeal.

Over and above the case itself, Cobb also commented on the fact that he believes Trump is “relishing” the chaos that this is causing.

Here is the full interview…

I tend to agree with just about everything that Cobb said in that interview, including the fact that Trump relishes in all of this chaos.

Trump’s golden egg during this election cycle has been playing the victim. The more trouble he faces, the more his supporters donate and back him.

Honestly, the person I feel the most sorry for is Melania Trump.

She once again has to deal with the talk of these affairs that Trump “allegedly” had when she was either pregnant with Barron or in the immediate aftermath of delivering Barron.

To this day, Trump denies having the affairs, which actually hurts his defense in this case, especially if Trump decides to testify.

Trump making these denials to the media is one thing, but if He makes those statements under oath or stretches the truth as he often does, Bragg will waste no time in hitting Trump with perjury charges.

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