February 13, 2024

Ty Cobb: Judge Will Not Allow Case to Go to Trial Before Election

Former White House attorney Ty Cobb is stirring things up by hinting that a judge in one of the Trump cases is rigging the case in Trump’s favor.

Cobb was critical of both a recent ruling by Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, as well as making an outright allegation against her.

Cobb now believes that Cannon is doing everything in her power to delay the classified documents case being presented by Special Counsel Jack Smith until after the election.

The Case is Rigged

As I have mentioned previously, polling suggests that Trump would lose significant support from voters if he received a guilty verdict in a federal case.

The numbers are even worse if sentencing takes place and he is given jail time.

To that point, I have stated that Trump and his attorneys will do everything possible to avoid these cases coming to a conclusion before the general election takes place.

Cobb stated, “I think that this judge has no intention of allowing this case to be tried before the election, and, in any event, I think her ruling last week was clear error, as Jack Smith has highlighted in the motion to reconsider.”

That was in reference to the decision by Cannon to reveal the names of witnesses after Smith had requested they be sealed to prevent Trump from blasting their names out on social media.

Other prosecutors have accused Trump of being responsible for threats being levied due to his social media rants, which was the basis of Smith’s argument to keep the records sealed.

Cobb continued, “I think if she doesn’t reconsider or if she reconsiders and stays the course on that ruling, that the special counsel will mandamus her and the 11th Circuit will reverse her quickly and perhaps even remove her.

“Certainly, if she grants access to classified documents that the government doesn’t believe is appropriate under the Classified Procedures Act, the government has a right to an interlocutory appeal to go straight to the 11th Circuit and seek relief on that and also likely to seek her removal.”

I have to admit, based on previous rulings and what has happened in the other cases, I was surprised that Cannon ruled to allow the records to be unsealed.

If she continues to make questionable rulings and allows this case to drag out, you better believe the DOJ will go after her with both barrels with allegations of being loyal to Trump because he appointed her.

It would not surprise me in the least if Smith asks her to recuse herself or, as Cobb stated, an action is taken to have her removed from the case.

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