December 20, 2023

Turley: Swalwell Encouraging Hunter Biden to ‘Thumb nose as Congress’

During the Russian collusion investigation run by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, several Trump allies were subpoenaed by Congress.

When they did not honor the subpoena, they were charged, much to the delight of Democrats.

Yet now they are celebrating Hunter Biden ignoring his subpoena, with some members of Congress even facilitating the act.

Guilty as Charged

When Hunter Biden held his press conference, it was held on the Senate side of the Capitol. This was more than likely done so the House Sergeant-at-Arms would not take him into custody for defying the House subpoena.

We are now finding out that it was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) who reserved the space for Hunter.

Fox News contributor and legal expert Jonathan Turley has called this a “slam-dunk case of contempt,” with Hunter Biden having "thumbed his nose at Congress.”

Turley was unsure if Swalwell committed a crime by doing this, but he then added, "It certainly raises serious questions under the House rules. I've never seen anything quite like that.

"There's plenty of members that associated with unpopular causes. What's different here is that Swalwell reserved congressional space… through his office, presumably using his staff, to defy the subpoena, a valid subpoena of the House."

Turley is quite positive that Hunter committed “federal criminal contempt” that day, so Swalwell could possibly face censure for his role in Hunter’s press conference.

Swalwell has been very critical of Republicans for refusing to give Hunter Biden an open hearing, but let’s remember that Donald Trump Jr. testified in a closed-door session for more than 40 hours. Not to mention closed hearings are the norm the first time a witness is brought in, so what Republicans were doing here was not unusual.

Turley actually pointed this out, stating, "But what's really breathtaking here is that the Democrats who have defended him did this precise approach, that is they how they had witnesses come in for depositions before they appeared in public hearings. And that includes Eric Swalwell, who participated in that."

That right there is the problem with our government, as the stance always depends on who the action is being taken against and who is in charge.

One side does something that creates outrage on the other side of the aisle, and then the moment power shifts, the outrage does as well. There is literally no consistency in how our laws are interpreted and viewed by members of Congress, the very people tasked with creating legislation.

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