February 2, 2024

Trump’s Steele Dossier Lawsuit Tossed by London Judge

If you were hoping that Donald Trump would get a friendly judge over the pond in his lawsuit against Christopher Steele’s company, you better get comfortable.

Once again, a lawsuit brought by Trump has been tossed long before he has his day in court.

Judge Karen Steyn ruled that there were “no compelling reasons” to allow this case to go before the court.

No Big Deal

Now, if you are familiar with the Steele dossier, you know it had some rather disgusting salacious allegations against Donald Trump.

These allegations were centered around rumors of Trump’s alleged activity with Russian prostitutes, all of which Trump has denied took place.

We should also note that these allegations were never corroborated by the FBI, so it would appear that Steele made them all up.

The dossier was originally ordered by a Republican donor, but after he backed out, it was picked up by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

That dossier was the root of the FISA warrants that were issued during the Russian collusion investigation, even though it had been largely debunked.

After the judge tossed the case, Trump’s campaign responded, "The High Court in London has found that there was not even an attempt by Christopher Steele, or his group, to justify or try to prove, which they absolutely cannot, their false and defamatory allegations in the fake ‘dossier.’

"The High Court also found that there was processing, utilization, of those false statements. President Trump will continue to fight for the truth and against falsehoods such as ones promulgated by Steele and his cohorts."

This case was a rather big deal for Trump, as he was surely looking to collect damages to offset some of his legal costs that are starting to become rather large numbers.

He just lost a case to E. Jean Carroll that will cost him $83 million if the verdict holds up to appeal.

He is also on the hook for a possible $370 million in the New York fraud case, with a decision on that case expected later this month.

Trump is bleeding money, and his campaign is cash-poor because of the amount of funds from the PACs that are going to pay Trump’s legal bills, with $50 million in campaign cash used for that purpose in 2023.

Perhaps that is why it appears that Trump and attorney Alina Habba are about to part ways, as Trump announced on Truth Social that he is now looking for new attorneys to handle his appeals.

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