May 22, 2024

Trump Will Not Testify in His Own Defense

Up until just a few days ago, Donald Trump was adamant that he would testify in his own defense at this trial.

When Trump first mentioned this weeks ago, I begged him to sit in his chair, shut up, and not move.

Well, someone else finally got in his ear because the defense rested without Trump taking the stand.


When Trump stated that he would take the stand, he said, “All I can do is tell the truth,” but the problem is that Trump strays from the truth and gets creative with his storytelling.

That is fine in front of the media, but doing that under oath will damage the case.

Trump also has a tendency to go off-point, ranting about this or that, which would not be tolerated in court.

His defense team did a masterful job in this trial, and the high risk did not outweigh the small reward, especially when you knew prosecutors were dying to get him on the stand to trip him up or upset him to the point of Trump losing his cool and giving a bad impression to the jury.

So, thankfully, Trump did not testify, with his son Donald Trump Jr. stating, “There’d be absolutely no reason, no justification to [testify] whatsoever.

“Everyone sees it for the sham that it is.”

I firmly believe Trump won this case, but we all know that means nothing to a jury, especially in New York.

Even so, I am very glad that Trump decided to sit where he was, allowing his attorneys to rest the case and move on to closing arguments and jury instructions.

As I have stated in other reports, even if Trump is convicted here, it is not the end of the world because he should win an appeal or, at the very least, have any penalties issued by Merchan reduced.

I am positive that this will not be the case that puts Trump behind bars.

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