October 12, 2023

Trump Wants Missing January 6 Records Subpoenaed for Trial

Donald Trump is now pulling out all the stops in his election interference case.

Trump’s attorneys have now filed to have the “missing” records for his trial.

These are the documents that magically disappeared after the Select Committee finished its investigation.

I Need Them

Frankly, I was wondering when this could come around because there were plenty of reports at the time that the missing records were all exculpatory information for Trump.

Republican committees had only received written transcripts, not the full video versions of depositions.

In fact, Republicans had penned a letter on this subject, stating that "video recordings of transcribed interviews and depositions, which featured prominently during the Select Committee’s hearings, were not archived or transferred."

Trump’s attorneys stated, "Needless to say, there is significant overlap between the Select Committee’s investigation and this case, and there is a strong likelihood that individuals discussed in the Missing Records could be called as trial witnesses.”

The work by that committee was a complete and utter joke, as it was more Hollywood than fact.

Tapes were selectively edited to paint the worst possible scenario. Key comments by people were edited to present Trump and everyone at that rally turned riot in the worst possible way.

An example would be in how they portrayed Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) as a coward, only showing him running out of the Capitol, choosing not to share the fact he was one of the last to leave and he was only following the direction of law enforcement on the scene.

I have also seen reports that when the records were turned over, they were never cataloged properly, so the GOP has to go through them all again, piece by piece, which I have to assume was done purposely by Democrats knowing all these records would be gone through with fine-toothed come once the GOP took over.

Trump’s attorneys have not been successful thus far with their motions, but I just don’t see how the judge can possibly deny this one.

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