December 19, 2023

Trump Wants Georgia Election Case Declared Invalid

Donald Trump’s legal team has been very busy over the last week filing motions trying to have various cases against Trump dismissed.

On Monday, that continued, with a motion to have the Georgia election case dismissed for being “categorically invalid” and a violation of his First Amendment rights.

Trump has continued to make this argument, already having been denied in prior motions in multiple cases.


The filing from attorneys Steve Sadow and Jennifer Little stated, "President Trump enjoys the same robust First Amendment rights as every other American.

"The indictment here does not merely criminalize conduct with an incidental impact on protected speech; instead, it directly targets core protected political speech and activity."

The attorneys also argued that the First Amendment encourages such actions as Trump took in the aftermath of the 2020 election, stating, "Because the claim the 2020 election was rigged and stolen is protected by First Amendment when it is made in a public speech, it is equally protected by the First Amendment when it is made to government officials in an act of petitioning or advocacy.”

According to the filing, everything in the indictment by Fulton County DA Fani Willis is covered under the First Amendment, stating, "Under the First Amendment, the Government may not prohibit or criminalize speech on disputed social, political, and historical issues simply because the Government determines that some views are 'true' and others are 'false.'

"The fact that the prosecution alleges the speech was 'false' does not change that conclusion, particularly within the political context."

Sadow concluded that the “incident needs to be dismissed.”

Trump is one of 19 defendants in the case, with a handful of them having already pleaded guilty to take deals offered by Willis’ office, most of which were just a hard slap across the knuckles.

As I stated before, Willis could care less if she gets a conviction or sends any of the other defendants to jail if she can bag Trump. She would gladly make deals with every defendant to avoid jail time as long as she could get them to testify against Trump and put him away.

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