April 15, 2024

Trump Vows to Testify in Hush Money Case

Donald Trump sent a wave of anxiety in the GOP and a wave of excitement in the Democrat Party this weekend.

Trump was asked if he would testify during his hush-money case.

In response, and against what most legal experts say is the smart thing to do, Trump says he is going to testify to expose everyone.

I Am Testifying

On Friday, Speaker Johnson (R-LA) joined Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago for a press conference on election integrity.

During that presser, a reporter asked Trump if he planned to testify in the case.

Trump responded, “I’m testifying. I tell the truth. All I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there’s no case. They have no case.”

The GOP is nervous because Trump loves to stretch the truth and throw in facts that are only true in his mind.

The left is excited because if Trump so much as stretches the truth one bit or says something that is blatantly false, they know that Bragg will pounce and add perjury charges against Trump.

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig commented on this over the weekend, stating, “So on that second point, first, I would beg him not to take this stand. You never quite know what Donald Trump will do.

“I think it’s unlikely he takes the stand, Jake, even though in movies and TV, the defendant seems to always take the stand, it’s quite rare in a criminal case.”

Trump has been very angry in the courtroom, and if he is angry or loses it on the stand when being cross-examined, it will likely hurt him with a jury that will almost certainly be looking to give Trump a guilty verdict.

Honig also commented on this, stating, “The jury is sitting just a couple feet away from you. They’re watching and evaluating everything you do.

“And if you’re hanging your head and grumbling and having a temper tantrum, they will see that they will hold that against you.”

If I were one of Trump’s attorneys, I would beg him not to take the stand, regardless of how the case is going, and to look to win this case on appeal.

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