June 10, 2024

Trump thinks he's found winning argument versus Biden

Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP are celebrating a little moral victory:

They're pretty sure that they've found the "winning argument" for Donald Trump in his competition against Joe Biden to win America's presidency on Election Day 2024.

Apparently, it's all a play off an old slogan, and portrays Trump's entire campaign perfectly in just one sentence:

"Were you better off under former President Trump than you are under President Biden?"

Most people in this country, but especially Republicans, feel that the issues Americans REALLY care about were far better off when Donald Trump was president and that things have gotten significantly worse under the rule of Joe Biden.

According to The Hill, "Republicans argue the economy — particularly inflation — was better under Trump than it is under Biden. And they say Trump had a better handle on foreign policy, pointing to the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. They also maintain the border was more secure under the former president."

Even Democrats are admitting that this is going to be a tough question for Joe Biden to answer. Many Americans think that the health of their own bank accounts reflect how healthy America is, and Joe Biden has NOT done much to benefit the middle class in America.

"If I were advising Trump, I’d say exactly that," one longtime Democratic strategist admitted. Were you better off under President Trump? These are the issues voters care about and we’re losing the debate on each one, even if we don’t want to admit it."

Liberals can blow all of the hot air they want, the fact of the matter is that the average American was better off living under Donald Trump than we are living under Joe Biden.

If Donald Trump is able to make this message popular, it could be VERY bad news for Joe Biden, regardless of what his minions in our corrupt court system are able to convict Donald Trump of.

While Joe Biden has been president, inflation has skyrocketed to a rate that once seemed unimaginable, and the Americans impacted by that aren't going to tolerate it for much longer.

If I had to guess, I'd say America is going to put up with it only until about November 2024.

To learn more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

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