November 12, 2023

Trump Tells Republicans To 'Get Smart' and 'Get Unified'

Donald Trump has two requests for the American public, particularly the Republicans among us.

"Get smart" and "get unified."

There's no question that America is fractured in general, and the Republican Party is no exception.

Trump is obviously free to say whatever he wants, but he is obviously a part of the problem that he is speaking about here.

Republicans haven't looked particularly unified lately, with Trump skipping all three debates that have happened so far, not a good look if he wants the GOP to be unified.

Maybe Trump doesn't just want the party to be unified, he only wants the party to be unified behind him.

But that doesn't mean that Trump is the ONLY problem, there are so many issues separate from him that we should clean up if we really want to look like a legitimate option for independents or Democrats considering a switch.

Take the speaker of the House for instance. We seem to have settled on Mike Johnson for now, but only after WEEKS of turmoil.

We had Kevin McCarthy removed, Jim Jordan failed to get enough support, Scalise dropped out... it made us look like the clowns that liberals lie and try to portray us as.

Trump appears to really want to be able to move past all of that and get this country on the right track.

Sure, Trump may have been part of the problem, but more importantly, he wants to be part of the solution. He said:

But you know, say what you want, but it takes courage. Sure, it does. It takes courage. It's not an easy thing to do, the Republican Party, they have to get unified, and they have to get smart.

Maybe he could do his part by showing up to the debates?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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