December 5, 2023

Trump Team Fires Back at Fearmongering Over Second Trump Administration

If you thought 2016 and 2020 were bad with the narratives about Trump, you have not seen anything yet.

Democrats, never-Trumpers, and the media are all joining forces to push one narrative as we head into the next election.

That narrative is that if Trump wins the 2024 election, he will never leave office.

Not Kidding

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-MT) got the ball rolling on this new narrative in her new book, which, by the way, more or less declares her the savior of our democrat republic.

Cheney appeared on “Today” on Monday, where she was asked if Trump would try to stay in office beyond a second term if he was elected again in 2024. The host actually asked her if she thought that Trump “would never leave office.”

She did not even hesitate, responding, “There’s no question.”

In addition to that, there was a flurry of recent articles posted in the mainstream media that were pushing the same angle.

For instance, the Washington Post has an op-ed, “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.”

The New York Times published an article titled, “Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First.”

Then there was an article in The Atlantic titled, “In Special Issue, The Atlantic Warns of the Consequences If Trump Wins a Second Term,” with two dozen writers fearmongering readers.

Now, none of what they say is remotely possible, such as Trump disregarding the 22nd Amendment and running for a third term or Trump somehow disavowing our Constitution and turning this country into a dictatorship.

Take Trump’s most loyal members of Congress and ask them all if they would support shredding the Constitution to allow Trump to run this country as a dictator, and see what they say.

Interview every General and Admiral in our military and ask them what they would do if Trump tried to order them to turn against the American people.

Even if Trump implements what they are calling “extreme policy plans,” they would be challenged and decided at the Supreme Court level, which has proven it has no loyalty to Trump.

Senator Graham (R-S.C.) responded, stating, “I think a continuation of the Biden presidency would be a disaster for peace and prosperity at home and abroad.

“Our border is broken. The only person who is really going to fix a broken border is Donald Trump. When he was president, none of this stuff was going on in Ukraine. Hamas and all these other terrorist groups were afraid of Trump.

“I think Liz’s hatred of Trump is real.”

Now, I think his claim that Trump is the “only” person who will fix the border is ludicrous, as any Republican president will address this issue, but we see that he is clearly not worried about Trump turning into a dictator.

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) also responded, stating, “All of these articles calling Trump a dictator are about one thing: legitimizing illegal and violent conduct as we get closer to the election.

“Everyone needs to take a chill pill.”

This is insanity, but most people on the left who read that trash will 100 percent agree with what they are saying even though it is literally impossible to carry out.

The left will never support Trump, but I can tell you this… if they keep printing that type of garbage, they are going to drive moderate voters right back to Trump just so they can have the pleasure of seeing the entire left meltdown if Trump wins the election.

This is insanity, and it is being pumped out by elected officials, the administration, and the media, which is supposed to report facts, not fantasy.

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