June 3, 2024

Trump Takes in UFC 302 to Thunderous Applause

Most of us believe that Democrats prosecuted Donald Trump to hurt him in the election, but the move seems to be backfiring on Democrats.

Trump is an avid UFC fan, so it was not a surprise to see him taking in UFC 302 just days after his conviction.

But I am sure Democrats were bothered that when Trump walked into the arena, the crowd erupted in support for the former president.

Still Love Them Some Trump

This was actually a very smart move by Trump because he knows, generally speaking, the UFC is a safe space for him.

Trump is very well-liked among UFC fans and fighters alike, so this gave him a chance to shatter the Democrat narrative.

When Trump walked into the arena in Newark, NJ, the place went nuts.

Trump walked in with CEO Dana White and several Secret Service agents trailing behind, and the crowd could not get enough of him.

Trump took his usual spot ringside with Dana White, and even the commentators were a bit stunned at how loud the applause was for Trump.

Joe Rogan actually called the support “staggering.”

Not long after Trump took his seat, you could hear chants of “U-S-A,” “F**k Joe Biden,” and “We Love Trump” throughout the arena.

New Jersey is in play right now for Trump, having closed the gap to 5%, and that was before the conviction came down.

Early polling taken immediately after the verdict was announced was positive for Trump, but we will have to wait to see a few more polls before we know if that was an outlier or if Trump really gained momentum off the guilty verdict.

If he did, this could wind up being a landslide win for Trump in November, which would just be crippling for the Democrat Party.

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