October 12, 2023

Trump Takes Huge Chunk of Democrat Voters in Generic Poll

Donald Trump has reason to celebrate today.

It now appears that maybe that WaPo poll that had him ahead by 10 points over Joe was not much of an outlier after all.

The latest Rasmussen Reports polling shows that a massive 30% of Democrat voters have plans on pulling the handle for Trump over Biden.

Big Numbers

Now, do I think that Trump is 10 points ahead of Biden? No. Nor do I think that 30 percent of Democrats are going to pull the handle for Trump, but this is a trend we have to start paying attention to right now.

You guys know me on this front. I never get too excited about one poll, as I need to see a steady trend, but that trend is starting to show here and Trump is starting to get some separation.

The numbers are even worse for Joe Biden when it comes to minority voters, specifically if Donald Trump has a black vice president on his ticket.

If that is the case, Trump is better than 50% across the board.

The poll stated, “Majorities of every racial category — 53% of whites, 50% of black voters and 52% of other minorities — say they’re at least somewhat likely to vote for Trump in 2024. Twenty-five percent of black Trump voters say they would be more likely to vote for him if he picked a black running mate.”

All of a sudden, Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) could become the tipping point of this election.

I have always believed that Scott would drop out and more than likely endorse Haley, who I have always thought would drop out and pair up with DeSantis for his VP.

Now, if Trump sees this and scraps the plans for a female VP in favor of Scott, it could be game over and quite frankly, I would not blame Scott for one second for doing this.

Reason being, he automatically becomes the frontrunner in 2028 if he and Trump win the 2024 election.

This is just an amazing turn of events that we have to keep watching to see if this trend continues for Trump.

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