November 17, 2023

Trump SuperPAC Spending More on DeSantis Than Biden

Over the last few weeks, the presidential field has narrowed considerably for the Republican Party.

With Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) dropping out, there are really only four serious candidates remaining and one of them may not make the qualifier for the fourth debate, that being Vivek Ramaswamy.

So, for the sake of argument, let’s say this race is now between Trump, DeSantis, and Haley.

Perhaps that explains why Donald Trump is spending more to take out DeSantis than he is Biden, even though he leads DeSantis by 46.4% in the latest national polling average.

What’s Going on Here

I need you guys to be patient with me so I can break this all down.

As I have stated many times, in a crowded race, Trump runs away from the field, but a head-up match between DeSantis and Trump will significantly tighten up this race.

Trump would still have a significant lead, but the perception would be that Trump is collapsing and DeSantis is gaining ground.

For the sake of argument, let’s say this goes to 63-37 after everyone else drops out, which would give Trump a 26-point lead… which is a far cry from the 46 points that Trump currently holds.

Haley more or less killed her campaign with her doxxing comments the other day, so I think she too will be out before long, but where she throws her support could really impact this race.

Now, people who are hearing DeSantis really like what he has to say, and he has spent a lot of time in the early-voting states making his case.

Then he did this interview with Glenn Beck, which really hit home with a lot of people…

DeSantis has been hammering two key points here… He does not have the distractions that Trump brings to the office and he can get the best of the best, whereas Trump will struggle to fill his appointments, as was mentioned in that video.

Trump’s PAC is not overly flush with cash right now because his legal bills are eating up most of the available money, yet Trump spent $23 million of the $29.7 million he laid out in ads on negative ads against Ron DeSantis, with the remainder going after Biden.

Karoline Leavitt, spokeswoman for MAGA Inc., stated, “The spending will stop when Ron DeSantis goes back to doing what he was elected to do — govern the state of Florida.”

Okay… but why are you spending so much on someone you claim you have already put down in this race and that you say is losing more ground every day?

With a crowded field of GOP primary candidates, you would think either Trump or Biden would lead in money spent against for negative advertising, but that is not the case.

DeSantis leads that category, with more than $30 million in attack ads against him while Joe Biden trails by about $10 million, which is astounding to me.

Just ask yourself this question… why is everyone so afraid of Ron DeSantis? It was the same question we were all asking about Trump during the 2016 election.

Just saying… this race is far from over, my friends, regardless of what those polls are telling us.

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