November 5, 2023

Trump-Era State Department Official Sentenced To Prison

A Marine Corps veteran who served as a politically appointed State Department official under then-President Donald J. Trump has learned his fate for allegedly attacking police officers during the unrest at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

He's going to prison.

Federico Klein was involved in one of the most violent situations of the protests, a mob's fight with outnumbered police officers for control of a tunnel entrance of the Capitol's Lower West Terrace.

Klein assaulted officers and urged other protesters to do the same. Federal prosecutors are saying that Klein also tried to stop the police from shutting entrance doors.

Prosecutors said that Klein "waged a relentless siege on police officers."

Klein didn't testify at his trial, declined to address the court, and was sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison.

"Your actions on January 6th were shocking and egregious," said U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden.

Prosecutors argued that Klein's behavior was motivated by his desire to keep his job as a presidential appointee.

"As an employee of the federal government, Klein was endowed with the trust of the American people and to uphold the law. He violated that trust on January 6 when he attacked the very country for which he was paid to work," prosecutors said.

Klein's defense argued that Mr. Klein's actions during the riots were being exaggerated.

"Accordingly, Mr. Klein should be sentenced for his actual role in the events of the day, and not the more egregious conduct of others with which the government would have Mr. Klein be found guilty by association," defense attorney Stanley Woodward wrote.

Prosecutors had wanted an even tougher sentence, with prosecutors recommending a whopping ten years for Klein's actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

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