December 6, 2023

Trump Social Media Strategist Confronts Schiff at Airport

A video is absolutely blowing up on social media right now.

In the video, Alex Bruesewitz, who is Donald Trump’s very controversial social media adviser, confronts Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) at the airport.

Bruesewitz very calmly tells Schiff what he thinks about him, then walks away, with Schiff’s eyes going about as big as golf balls in the process.

Retire from Politics

Bruesewitz, to his credit, did not cause a scene. Honestly, I could see myself doing the very same thing…

In case you could not hear the exchange, he told Schiff, “I think you should be ashamed of yourself and how often you lie to the American people.

“I hope you lose your Senate race — which it looks like you’re doing — and that you retire from American politics, because you are a sick man.

“Thank you.”

For those of you not familiar, Bruesewitz is Trump’s hired gun on Twitter and responsible for some of the more childish attacks against Ron DeSantis, such as saying that DeSantis wears lifts and equating cowboy boots with heels.

He has singlehandedly alienated Ron DeSantis supporters with personal insults and attacks, as well as having gone on record saying that if Trump does not win the nomination, MAGA would not support any other Republican candidate.

If Trump wins the nomination but fails to win the general election, Bruesewitz is someone that you can point the finger at.

Having said that, regarding Adam Schiff, he is very much on the money, especially with this post…

That point right there is something I have questioned many times… when will Schiff be held accountable for the unending lies he told regarding Trump’s impeachment and Russian collusion?

Schiff is doing it again now, promoting the narrative by former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-MT) regarding Trump becoming a dictator and never leaving office if he wins a second term.

Schiff is saying this with certainty, much like he bragged about having evidence of Russian collusion, when it was Schiff leaking classified information to the media and blatantly lying to the American people.

Apparently, this is all acceptable if you have a D after your name in politics.

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