April 4, 2024

Trump Snags Huge March Fundraising Haul

I have said it a million times… Donald Trump thrives when persecuted, and that is what happened in March.

Amid numerous legal defeats, Trump has claimed the victim, and his supporters are coming to his aid again.

Trump and the RNC reported a massive haul in March to the tune of $65.6 million.

Big Money, No Whammies

I have covered the RNC And Trump campaign finance issues extensively in the past.

Donald Trump’s legal bills have taken a toll on campaign resources, as Trump has shelled out tens of millions of dollars from his campaign to cover these bills.

Well, his donors apparently have no problem with that, as they showed up in force for Trump in March.

According to the latest filings, collectively, the Trump campaign and RNC raised a whopping $65.6 million in March, raising their cash-on-hand total to $93.1 million.

Keep in mind, Trump still has his mega-fundraising event in Florida soon, where they are hoping to raise more than $30 million in a single evening.

After the numbers were announced, RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated, "President Donald J. Trump has again created a fundraising juggernaut among Republicans.

“While he has been the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party for less than a month, the RNC and Trump campaign are one unified operation and focused on victory.

"We’re raising funds and making strategic investments to get out the vote and protect the ballot. We are going to win BIG in just 31 weeks.”

Susie Wiles, senior advisor to the Trump campaign, added, “Our campaign, working together with the RNC, has been steadily ramping up our fundraising efforts, and our March numbers are a testament to the overwhelming support for President Trump by voters all across the spectrum.

“Republicans may not be beneficiaries of the self-interested largess from Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, but President Trump is proud to be supported by donations from voters who are the backbone of this nation, which will fuel Republicans up and down the ballot.”

The Biden campaign has not yet announced its haul for the month of March, but it will surely eclipse Trump’s numbers since Biden had that monster event with Clinton and Obama that drew more than $25 million in a single night.

The Trump campaign has already stated that it does not expect to outraise Biden, as there are more big-money donors on the Democrat side. However, he doesn’t really have to outraise Biden, he just needs to be in the same general ballpark because Trump uses social media far more effectively than Democrats.

I have stated numerous times that this was a big concern for me because of Trump’s legal issues, but this all seems to be coming together for him at the right time.

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