December 7, 2023

Trump Slams Judge Engoron in Online Rant

Donald Trump is not supposed to be using social media to slam court members, but the fines and threat of being jailed do not seem to deter him.

After yet another Trump motion was denied by Engoron, Trump went nuclear on Truth Social.

In addition to other criticisms, Trump recommended that Engoron be “thrown off the bench.”

Trump Goes Off

Trump wanted to delay his scheduled testimony for Monday to allow the gag order motion to play out.

Trump’s team is appealing the decision and had requested an expedited appeal, but that was also turned down, giving New York Attorney General Letitia James until Monday to provide her response to the motion before a final decision is made.

Trump had to know Engoron would not approve the new motion, and I am sure he had his rant ready to go.

Trump posted, “We have totally proven our Case against the Corrupt, Racist, New York Attorney General, Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James. The Banks, Insurance Companies, virtually everybody said we were ‘GREAT,’ PERFECT LOANS, NO VICTIMS!

“Their sole Witness has been completely discredited, and admitted he lied about everything. He was the only Witness they had, and should be prosecuted for his lies.

“The Judge and the A.G. falsified the value of Mar-a-Lago and other Assets to make me look as bad as possible, and got caught.

“For anyone else, what they did would be considered FRAUD, and they would be thrown off the ‘bench’ and out of office….”

So, unless something unsuspected happens, Trump will be on the stand on Monday, with the gag order in place, but I would suspect that will not stop him from posting about the case once he gets off the stand.

This case should be wrapping up very soon, and most of us expect a guilty verdict by Engoron, with Trump’s team immediately appealing the decision, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court if they do not get relief in the lower courts.

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