April 29, 2024

Trump Sees Biggest Lead Yet in Polling

We are finally starting to see significant polling with all the third-party candidates, and it is not good news for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden apparently had his little rush, and the world is starting to level back off again.

In fact, the scales have not only tipped back in Trump’s favor, but with the third-party candidates, Trump is now dominating Joe Biden.

Flipping the Script

After Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, he got a small bump, but nothing that really had Trump worried.

For the most part, Trump was still ahead nationally, and more importantly, he was either ahead or virtually tied with Joe Biden in the battleground states.

This week, a new CNN poll has been released, and it was a real turnabout for Trump.

Trump now leads Joe Biden by six points nationally (49-43), and when the three third-party candidates are in the race, Donald Trump’s lead shoots all the way up to nine points.

RFK Jr. continues to hold steady at 16%, with West and Stein getting 4% and 3% respectively. For the most part, this has hurt Joe Biden far more than Trump, with Trump only losing 7% overall and Biden taking a 10% hit once the third-party candidates are introduced.

One of the biggest reasons for Trump’s dominance is that although the mainstream media had Donald Trump ranked as one of the worst presidents of all time, Trump’s presidency now has 55% approval compared to 44% disapproval.

Compare that to Biden, where even though Biden finished at 14th in the recent ranking, a whopping 61% say Biden’s presidency has been a failure, with only 39% saying it is a success.

That is what happens when liberal historians rank presidents. It reminds me of all those polls that said more than 70% of Americans wanted choices other than Biden and Trump, yet Biden and Trump overwhelmingly won their primary races with options available on both sides.

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