January 26, 2024

Trump Says RNC Should NOT Pursue Presumptive Nominee Resolution

Donald Trump rolled in the first two primary races, and that is apparently all the RNC needs to see of this election.

In an utterly ridiculous move, Chair Ronna McDaniel announced that the RNC was going to consider a resolution to name Trump as the “presumptive nominee,” rendering future primary races moot.

Trump, however, has recommended that the process be permitted to play out.

Smart Move

Donald Trump and his campaign have taken some serious heat for telling the RNC to end all debates and hand him the nomination.

When it was announced that a resolution was presented and McDaniel was seriously considering it, Haley’s camp and plenty of Republican voters were fuming that she would even consider such a move with only two states having voted.

Haley campaign spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas stated, "Who cares what the RNC says? We'll let millions of Republican voters across the country decide who should be our party's nominee, not a bunch of Washington insiders.

"If Ronna McDaniel wants to be helpful she can organize a debate in South Carolina, unless she's also worried that Trump can't handle being on the stage for 90 minutes with Nikki Haley.”

Regardless of how well Trump is polling, it is not the role of the RNC to make such a move, as the organization is supposed to remain neutral until a candidate has won the nomination.

Trump has clearly been watching the feedback from his earlier statements, and he made the right move of declining such a resolution from being presented on his behalf.

He posted on Truth Social, "While I greatly appreciate the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanting to make me their PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE, and while they have far more votes than necessary to do it, I feel, for the sake of PARTY UNITY, that they should NOT go forward with this plan, but that I should do it the 'Old Fashioned' way, and finish the process off AT THE BALLOT BOX.

"Thank you to the RNC for the Respect and Devotion you have shown me! TRUMP2024.”

Honestly, that last line scares me a bit, as the RNC should not be “devoted” to any one candidate but instead to the party itself and the candidates the American people have chosen in primary races.

In addition to this resolution, McDaniel has also asked Haley to step down after just two states have voted, stating, "Looking at the math and the path going forward, I don't see it for Nikki Haley.

"I think she's run a great campaign, but I do think there is a message that's coming out from the voters which is very clear: We need to unite around our eventual nominee, which is going to be Donald Trump, and we need to make sure we beat Joe Biden.

"It is 10 months away until the November election, and we can't wait any longer to put out foot on the gas to beat the worst president, to beat a president that's kept our borders open, allowed fentanyl to pour through, allowed inflation to go rampant. He is hurting the American people, and we need to do everything we can to unite so that we can defeat him.”

Again, that is not McDaniel’s role to even suggest that a candidate drop out.

Nobody here is denying that Trump is on the verge of sweeping every state through Super Tuesday, but the process here is in place and it must be permitted to play out until Haley concedes the nomination.

It is sad that leadership in the party clearly has no understanding of how our democratic republic operates.

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