March 1, 2024

Trump Says Local Police Will Help with Deportations If Elected President

Donald Trump and Joe Biden held dueling visits to the southern border on Thursday.

Biden, of course, picking a spot that is seeing less than 10 crossings a day right now.

Trump went to Eagle Pass, which usually has migrants stacked up to jump into the river and sneak into the country.

Send Them Home

Thursday was a pretty interesting day with both Biden and Trump at the border.

Joe gave a big speech, saying that this is all on Republicans and asking Trump to join him in helping to get bipartisan border legislation passed and on his desk.

The media ate it up, even publishing reports about every time Republicans blocked any legislation that dealt with the border, without actually going into detail why they blocked the legislation.

Then there was the Trump visit…

Trump gave the expected speech, promising mass deportations if he is elected president again.

He also visited with Hannity to explain some of his positions on the border, stating, "It's going to be the local police are going to turn them over, and we're going to have to move them back to their country.”

Trump further added that he would offer immunity to all officers so police could do “the job they have to do.”

Then things really started to get interesting when a video of Trump visiting the Eagle Pass border with Texas Governor Greg Abbott went viral.

As Trump arrived at the border, there were migrants on the other side who started to chant his name, much to Trump’s delight.

Trump was then seen waving at the migrants and joking with border officials that they loved him.

Needless to say, Trump’s critics pounced, insinuating that all the migrants needed to do was flatter Trump and he would reverse his stance on immigration…

This could have been a monstrous win for Trump had he pointed to the migrants to prove how bad the problem was instead of waving to them.

As someone else pointed out, this is about situational awareness, so now people are questioning how serious Donald Trump really is about the border.

To add to the frustration for conservatives is the fact the mainstream media bought completely in to Joe Biden’s speech on immigration, that is flipping the issue over to Republicans.

Trump is running with immigration at the heart of his campaign and if the media is able to convince voters it is Democrats trying to solve the problem and not Republicans, we are in big trouble come November.

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