January 11, 2024

Trump Says He Knows Who His VP Will Be

The big news from the Fox News-Donald Trump Town Hall was when Trump was asked about his VP pick.

Trump was asked if he would mend fences with his current political opponents in the GOP primary race, to which he replied, “Oh sure, I will.”

Trump was also asked about his VP pick, to which he responded, “I can’t tell you that really. I mean, I know who it’s going to be.”

He Knows

In terms of a VP being one of the current candidates, the only possibility there is Nikki Haley, as Governor Ron DeSantis has already been adamant that he will not be Trump’s VP.

Quite frankly, I don’t blame him after the ridiculous attacks that Trump has made against DeSantis, especially in terms of how DeSantis handled the pandemic.

Virtually every word out of Trump’s mouth has been a lie, and one need only go back to look at how Trump gushed over DeSantis when he was in office regarding how DeSantis handled the pandemic.

Haley has a shot, as I have always believed that Haley entered this race with Trump’s blessing solely to take away votes from DeSantis.

I don’t think anyone could have predicted the surge that Haley has had in polling, but that is because Trump has concentrated solely on DeSantis thus far in the primary race.

Outside of Haley, I believe that Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota is the top contender if Trump goes with a woman, followed by Reps. Elise Stefanick (R-N.Y.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Kari Lake.

If Trump puts another man on the ticket, I believe it will be Dr. Ben Carson or Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL).

When you consider how much Trump’s numbers with minority voters improve if he has a black candidate in the VP slot, I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to go with any of the women mentioned above, as they would not impact the race nearly as much as someone like Carson or Donalds.

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