May 28, 2024

Trump Says He is Considering Pardon for Julian Assange

Donald Trump is making a lot of promises on the campaign trail.

This weekend, Trump promised Libertarians that if they elected him to office, he would put one of their own in his administration.

Now he is floating the idea of pardoning Julian Assange if he gets into office.

Throwing Out Pardons

Donald Trump is playing a bit of a dangerous game right now, trading political favors for votes.

It is nothing illegal, mind you, but it is really not a good look and the media is pouncing.

In addition to offering a cabinet spot to Libertarians, Trump also said he would pardon Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the online illegal drug marketplace Silk Road.

Ulbright has been in prison since 2013, and his advocates say this prosecution was a perfect example of overreach.

Even with those promises, Trump was not received well, with more boos than cheers, and the Libertarians wound up backing one of their own for the White House.

Now Trump is floating the idea of pardoning Julian Assange, stating, “We’re going to give it very serious consideration, and we’re going to have a couple of other things to say in the speech that I think you’re going to love.”

The United States has been trying to extradite Assange since 2019 to prosecute him under the Espionage Act of 1917, which Trump is also facing charges.

Assange was charged after publishing classified government cables, having been accused of working with the hackers who stole the material, hence the criminal charges.

I just think this is a dangerous game that Trump is playing, offering favors for votes.

With all the scrutiny he already faces from the media, the moment these pardons go out, the media will have a field day.

So, dig in, my friends, because this is setting up to be a tumultuous four-year run.

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