December 11, 2023

Trump Pushes Back on Claims That a 2024 Win Would Threaten Democracy

Former President Donald Trump pushed back on claims that his win as president in 2024 would threaten democracy.

Trump noted the concern during a speech to the New York Young Republican Club on Saturday.

“Can you believe it? This is their new line, you know,” Trump said. “Here we go again — ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ ‘Mueller, Mueller, Mueller,’ ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.’ One hoax after another.

“But no, I’m not a threat. I will save democracy. The threat is Crooked Joe Biden,” Trump said. “And that’s what it is, it’s a hoax. We call it now the threat-to-democracy hoax, because that’s what it is.”

"Biden and Democrats have warned that electing Trump again in 2024 could erode the foundations of American democracy," CTV News reported.

"The president said at a fundraiser Saturday in Los Angeles that 'the greatest threat Trump poses is to the democracy,'" it noted.

The criticisms about Trump's so-called threat to democracy have also come from some anti-Trump Republicans. GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie has been among the loudest voices echoing the left's claims.

Former Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Chaney has also advocated the view, arguing that reelecting Trump would result in an American dictatorship.

Trump has also noted that he would not be a dictator if elected, though he noted an exception for day one in office as he expects to sign numerous executive actions to reverse moves by the Biden administration.

The arguments continue against Trump, but the American people continue to strongly support his campaign, with the former president leading in GOP primary polls nationwide just weeks ahead of the first primary in Iowa.

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