April 8, 2024

Trump Promises Big Tax Cuts If He Wins Election

Donald Trump had a massive fundraiser over the weekend in Palm Beach, FL.

There were about 120 attendees at the event, where Trump raised a reported $50 million for his campaign.

The big drive for many to donate may have been the promised tax cuts by Trump if he wins the 2024 election.

Reducing Taxes

John Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund founder, organized the event for Trump, inviting more than 100 of the richest conservatives in the country to help Trump catch up to Joe Biden’s fundraising efforts.

To give you a better idea of the money that was in the room that day, some of the attendees at the event were casino mogul Steve Wynn, hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, and oil executive Harold Hamm.

After the event, the Trump campaign stated, “Trump spoke on the need to win back the White House so we can turn our country around, focusing on key issues including unleashing energy production, securing our southern border, reducing inflation, extending the Trump Tax Cuts, eliminating Joe Biden’s insane [electric vehicle] mandate, protecting Israel, and avoiding global war.”

When Trump was in office, Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, which Democrats counted as only giving the top 1% in the country tax breaks, but that was far from the case.

That law sunsets in 2025, so Trump will use tax cuts as a platform issue along with immigration.

A Biden campaign spokesperson responded to the report, stating, “Donald Trump spent his entire presidency lining the pockets of wealthy tax avoiders like himself at the expense of the middle class.”

It added that Trump was “making it clear to his billionaire buddies that he’ll take his first chance to double down on tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy — all while he fights to rip away Americans’ health care, gut Social Security and Medicare, and raise costs on working families.”

Regardless of what Trump promised, I find it rather amusing that Biden continues to tout his campaign as working for the middle class when I don’t know a single person who has more money in the bank today than they did when Trump was in office.

Most of us have seen our bank accounts go backward for more than three years, so I would have to say that if that is looking out for the middle class, we can all do with some change in 2025.

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