February 10, 2024

Trump On Border Deal: 'I Think It's Dead'

Former President Donald Trump delivered a speech to members of the National Rifle Association in which he let his thoughts on the outcome of the new proposed border bill be known.

“You give illegals taxpayer-funded lawyers, so they have millions of dollars in this agreement, in this deal, which we, by the way, killed,” Trump said.

“I think we killed it. I think it’s dead,” the former president added.

The former president did not stop there.

He went on to say, “You can never say it because bad bills always come back to life because these guys make a lot of money with bad bills.”

“But they give millions, tens of millions of dollars that’s down there to lawyers to represent the illegal immigrants that come into our country. It’s not even believable,” Trump continued.

From the beginning, Trump has urged Republican voters to vote AGAINST the new bill.

The bill only benefits two groups -- illegal immigrants and politicians.

We need a border bill that benefits AMERICANS.

We need to put border security first and demand accountability for those responsible for the safety of the citizens of this country.

President Joe Biden and his administration’s decisions have created an actual crisis at the border.

If we don’t put a bill in place that will help our country begin to regain control of our borders, it will only get worse.

Trump has always been vocal about his desire for a secure border.

There has truly never been another time this country has needed a leader with that mindset more than it does now.

We need a president who cares about America and who creates policies and bills that actually make a difference.

The sooner we get President Joe Biden and his crooked administration OUT of the White House, the better.

To read more details about this story, click on the source here.

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